About food aid

What's for dinner tonight?

For many of us, the question of dinner is answered through readily available options....a good recipe, a stop at the supermarket on the way home from work, a trip to the ATM and a restaurant, even a ready-made item in our pantry or freezer.

But in countries affected by drought, famine, and other challenges, many people are out of food options. The good news is, we can help by giving towards food aid. Your contribution will be combined with United Nations food grants to transport and distribute food to families in urgent need.

The distribution process offers a 'hand up' for the long term not just a 'hand out' of one meal. Strategic programs include:

Food for work

Families are given a reliable source of food in exchange for labour. Their work is put to use on valuable projects such as gully rejuvenation, dam building, water irrigation and water harvesting, which means entire communities will benefit from a better water collection system in the future.

School Meals

During times of hardship, parents are sometimes forced to take their children out of school. The school meals program provides an incentive for children to stay in school, by assisting with a hot nutritious meal during the school-day, as well as an additional ration of food aid for the family.

Food for Training

Local community members attend training to improve household income and agricultural practices in exchange for food aid.

You can read more about World Vision's food aid at http://trans.worldvision.com.au/mga/

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